African News & Stories

Raising nutritional levels in Sierra Leone through proactive training
Global Mission Fellow Trobby Kandala, from Zambia, describes his role as an environmental advocate in Sierra Leone.
Yambasu Agriculture Initiative takes root in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
Agriculture Initiative in Mozambique
Where once the land was wild and idol, 75 acres of land owned by the Mozambique United Methodist Church have been put into production and now yield fruits in their harvest seasons.
UMCOR assists displaced families in East Congo
Five hundred of the most vulnerable displaced households in northeastern Congo have received food and other assistance from UMCOR to help purchase 38 tons of food for families who have fled insecurity in the region.
World AIDS Day: Equalizing access to HIV resources
Together, Global Ministries’ Global Health program and UMC health boards support about 75,000 pregnant women, new mothers and children in Africa with HIV and AIDS resources, drastically reducing mother to baby HIV transmission.
Changing contexts, changing lives: international GMF program catalyzes growth for young adults
Four International track Global Mission Fellows reflect on ways the program has challenged them to grow personally and spiritually.
Youth Workers Fish Farming Cote d'Ivoire
Job creation through fish farming in Côte d’Ivoire
With a grant from Global Ministries’ Yambasu Agriculture Initiative, the Côte d'Ivoire Annual Conference has constructed fishponds to produce tilapia and built a savings and loan program for women.
Clean water flows in rural Côte d’Ivoire communities
No longer having to source water from contaminated rivers, streams and wells, four villages draw clean potable water through newly built water towers with pump and wash stations.
Agriculture trainees harvest knowledge from farm VISITS
A team of 27 Yambasu Agriculture Initiative (YAI) trainees attending the Songhai Center in Benin visited two farms of Songhai graduates who have gone into farming entrepreneurship after receiving training.
Building friendships through LOVE
One of the greatest necessities and challenges for Christians is to genuinely love those whom we serve, especially those whom we do not know.
Discerning “God’s transforming voice” in mission
Jonathan, a physically challenged maintenance worker at the hospital, often catches a lift with me after work. In appreciation, Jonathan says, “May God give you long life.” He is slow at walking to the vehicle and in getting in and out.
Farming is an act of faith
When I received an email confirming my selection as a missionary to serve in Mozambique, I couldn’t believe it. When I arrived, I faced different challenges, including language, since I come from an English-speaking country.