Where is the newborn king of the Jews? We’ve seen his star in the east, and we’ve come to honor him.
Matthew 2:2 (CEB)
BENNETTSVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA – Being a missionary means being in service to others, working alongside them and doing the work that God has called us to do. It means showing up in ways we may never have done before or thought that we would ever need to do.
My service in Bennettsville, South Carolina, continues to remind me of all the ways that I see Christ working, whether it be through worship services, food banks, line dancing, vacation Bible school and even festivals. God is right there in the midst with us, and we are ready and willing to serve.

“Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.” As I reflect on this text, it reminds me that Christ is the guiding star that continues to illuminate our path no matter where we are. Rest assured Christ is everywhere, and we can worship him in any and every setting that we are called to. We are constantly seeking out Jesus in our daily work only to be reminded that he is right there beside us, carrying and sustaining us through the work we are doing.
Worshipping Christ can look so different depending on the setting we are in, but as for Bennettsville, S.C., Christ is with us as we serve the community in all the ways that service is needed, including the most important – with the people of God.
Christ is right here with us as we engage in community building through programs designed to uplift and support our youth. He is here with us as we provide toys for the community and brighten the smiles of the children who receive them. And he is here as we pray with and for those who are faithful.
Where is he? He is right here with us, leading and guiding us and ensuring that his hand is in the work that is so necessary and vital to our community.
Yes, Christ is the guiding star in this community here in Bennettsville, and we continue to seek him and worship him to do the work that our souls must have to thrive.
Arabia Baynia Sweet is a Church and Community Worker with the General Board of Global Ministries serving as coordinator of program development for the Bennettsville-Cheraw Area Cooperative Ministry in South Carolina.
Global Missionaries
Global Ministries missionaries are a tangible connection between The United Methodist Church and mission. Through denominational or ecumenical ministries, missionaries bear witness to God’s presence all around the world. They are called by God and sent out to serve by the church, usually placed in a new cultural context beyond their country of origin. Missionaries engage in ministry that is defined by mutuality and partnership, seeking to expand the mission of God already present and active in people and places.
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