Church World Service
Welcoming Afghan refugees: CWS response
To contribute to CWS’ resettlement efforts for Afghan refugees in the United States.
Methodist Church of Mexico – Mexico Conference
Ministry for migrants in Apaxco, “an oasis on the way”
The Apaxco migrant ministry center in Apaxco, Mexico, is located one street from the train tracks where “the Beast,” the North-South railway, passes. This grant will support and promote the long-term sustainability of the migrant ministry in Apaxco, Mexico, which for the past six years, served more than 50,000 migrants of all ages.
Sin Fronteras, IAP
Integration Support for Migrants and Refugees in Mexico City
To support migrants in transit and those newly arrived in Mexico City with various forms of humanitarian assistance and service referral, and/or provisions.
Via International on behalf of Los Niños de Baja California, A.C.
Establishing Safe and Sustainable Community for People Affected by Migration
Los Niño’s de Baja California supports long term initiatives to establish safe and self-sustaining communities. This grant will help to provide nutrition and business interventions as long-term solutions for migrants and deportees establishing residency in Tijuana.
Manila Episcopal Area – Philippines Central Conference
Manila Episcopal Area Anti-Human Trafficking and Migrant Ministry Program
More than half a million Filipino Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) have been forced to return to the Philippines because of economic lockdowns in host countries during the pandemic. This grant will assist Filipino migrants, including seafarers, and especially women, through basic services (legal, health, and halfway shelter) upon repatriation to the Philippines.
National Council of Churches in the Philippines
Churches Witnessing with Migrants Amidst the Pandemic and Beyond
Provides direct service assistance, builds the capacity and empowers distressed, returned and/or repatriated Overseas Filipino Workers, their families and their advocates.
The Evangelical United Methodist Church in Ecuador
Support for migrant children and families in Ecuador
The Ecuadorean cities of Guayaquil, Santo Domingo, Quevedo and Quito host the concentration of Venezuelan migrants in Ecuador. Children of migrants face issues of educational inequality, internet inequality, food insecurity, unsafe recreational environments, impacting their school performance and mental wellbeing. This grant will support 280 migrant children and their families in their process of integration into Ecuador.
Young African Refugees for Integral Development
Empowering women and girls for self-reliance and enhance social cohesion
As of March 2021, Uganda’s capital city of Kampala was home to 91,223 refugees and asylum seekers –many of whom have resided in the city for over a decade – and a significant population of undocumented refugees and migrants, especially new arrivals. About 64% of refugees in Kampala are women and children, for whom livelihood and education opportunities are especially limited. This grant will promote empowerment and self-reliance among these refugees in communities to enhance social cohesion.
Rehaciendo Comunidades con Esperanza, Inc. (REHACE) in Puerto Rico
Comprehensive Services Center for Immigrants in San Juan, PR
Responding to the pressing needs of the immigrant community in Santurce, Puerto Rico, by providing immigrants in Villa Palmeras and Santurce a safe place to receive dignified services that will allow positive integration into the community.
CAREF –Comisión Argentina para Refugiados y Migrantes
Protecting the rights of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in Argentina in a context of human mobility and pandemic of SARSCoV-2
Access to social welfare programs, emergency aid programs and social security has been more challenging in Argentina during the pandemic economic crisis. This UMCOR grant will support better access to information for refugees, migrants and public officers in international protection.
Muslim Aid UK
Improving Protection of Refugee Children and Adolescents in Umrakoba and Shagrab-1 Refugee Camps in East Sudan
This grant helps to strengthen protection of refugee children through enhancement of community-based child protection structures and the establishment of comfortable, safe and protected environments.
Instituto sobre Migración y Refugio LGBTIQ para Centroamérica IRCA CASABIERTA
Integration of LGBTIQ Migrants, Asylum Seekers and Refugees in Costa Rica
To accompany and support LGBTIQ refugees and migrants as they integrate into Costa Rica.