Humanitarian Relief & Recovery News & Stories

February 22, 2020
UMCOR partners to produce a groundbreaking study on U.S. water access
A new study on water access in the U.S., produced by DigDeep and the U.S. Water Alliance and supported by UMCOR and other partners, reveals that 2 million people in the United States lack access to indoor plumbing, safe drinking water and adequate wastewater sanitation.

February 22, 2020
UMCOR distributes school kits to Native communities
Watch as school supplies are distributed to Mark Twain Elementary School in Oklahoma.

February 22, 2020
Enhancing food security of olive farmers in Palestine
Through UMCOR funding, the Agricultural Development Association (PARC) in Palestine has implemented a project to enhance the food security of olive farmers in Eastern Gaza.

February 22, 2020
Climate change and God’s abundance
The Rev. Jenny Phillips, senior technical advisor for environmental sustainability, explores how the impact of climate change on natural disasters, global migration, health and agriculture intersects with God’s creation and our understanding of abundance and scarcity.

February 22, 2020
EarthKeepers project seeks new life using discarded plastics in downtown Birmingham
Church of the Reconciler UMC in downtown Birmingham, Alabama, uses an EarthKeepers grant to test the viability of increasing community plastic recycling and employment opportunities with a small-scale recycle business within the church.

January 23, 2020
UMCOR: Migrants seeking asylum
Matt Lohmeier, Executive Dir. of San Antonio Justice for Our Neighbors(JFON) and Susan Hellums, Border Area Mission Coordinator of First United Methodist Church of McAllen discuss their firsthand experiences working with the growing population of migrants in Texas.

January 23, 2020
Relationships support disaster response in Texas
Even though Hurricane Harvey hit Texas over two years ago, there is still much work to do. Long-term recovery efforts are going strong thanks to the disaster response team in the Rio Texas Conference. Staff like Austin, Vicki and Nikki continue to be a reliable and compassionate presence in Harvey’s aftermath. To be most effective, they see the importance of building and strengthening relationships. Whether it is relationships with partner agencies, churches, community members, or even among the staff themselves, the Rio Texas Conference has seen great impact and progress in recovery by working together and supporting one other.

January 23, 2020
Relationships support disaster response in Texas
After a dozen years of a conference-to-conference In Mission Together connection between the Eurasia and Baltimore-Washington episcopal areas, relationships grow stronger and faith grows deeper roots as they develop ways to reach more people with Christ’s love.

January 17, 2020
UMCOR names new executive director
The United Methodist Committee on Relief will enter its ninth decade led by Lara S. Martin who brings a strong background in international disaster response, public health and child welfare.

January 14, 2020
Remembering heroes of mission and ministry: Sam Dixon and Clint Rabb
On the 10th anniversary of their death, Thomas Kemper remembers the life, ministry and mission of two Global Ministries staff members who died in the 2010 Haiti earthquake.

December 10, 2019
Sustaining faith partnerships with Latin America
Through small grants, the Encounter with Christ fund has nurtured Methodist mission and relationships in 26 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

December 10, 2019
UMCOR provides home sanitation units for Alaska’s Yu’pik community as first residents relocate to Mertarvik
Mertarvik, Alaska, the relocation site for Newtok, a Yu’pik village that lost much of its land to rising sea levels and eroding coastline, receives its first residents in newly built houses, complete with UMCOR-funded PASS sanitation units in each home.