Humanitarian Relief & Recovery News & Stories

August 6, 2020
In Hurricane Harvey’s wake, a long path to recovery
This spring, UMCOR and its partners concluded their work in response to the 2017 hurricane’s destruction in Texas and built community in more ways than one.

August 6, 2020
Laos Mission Initiative grows and extends ministries
Global Ministries’ Laos Mission Initiative celebrates 20 years of service with increased membership, new clergy members and local pastors, and more engagement with local community members.

July 6, 2020
Multicultural church’s history inspires support for immigrants
Decades of support and funding from Global Ministries’ Community Developers Program has helped Buena Vista UMC increase outreach within its community.

July 5, 2020
Sifting through the ashes
UMCOR supports Western conferences responding to 2020 wildfires.

July 4, 2020
Strength upon strength; Michigan United Methodists pour hope on troubled waters
For communities devastated by May flooding, the road to resilience is paved with support coming from federal, state and local sources – and from United Methodists.

July 4, 2020
Partners work together for asylum seekers
Asylum seekers in New York, Miami and Houston find a new avenue of hope through an UMCOR, Justice For Our Neighbors and Church World Service partnership. The UMCOR Asylum Project seeks to provide legal representation and case management for those with compelling reasons not to return to their home countries.

July 4, 2020
Leaving communities more resilient
UMCOR disaster response consultants Angela Overstreet and Christy Smith provide an update on the ongoing disaster response and recovery efforts in Tennessee.

July 4, 2020
UMCOR supports formerly incarcerated as they reenter communities
For five years, the Southern Center for Human Rights in Atlanta has been working to win the release of Black men and women serving decades-long prison sentences for minor offences. This year, an UMCOR grant provided the means for SCHR to establish a reentry program to help released clients navigate the barriers they need to cross in order to thrive.

June 29, 2020
Food relief helps in Liberia’s COVID-19 fight
The United Methodist Committee on Relief and other global United Methodists are intervening in the church’s COVID-19 fight in Liberia.

June 20, 2020
Shelter for unaccompanied youth in Bosnia-Herzegovina
UMCOR partners with Church World Service in Una Sana Canton, Bosnia-Herzegovina, to offer a caring presence, dignified shelter and protection to migrating teens.

June 19, 2020
In service to our communities
Churches use UMCOR Sheltering in Love grants to supply food to immigrant communities across the United States.

June 16, 2020
COVID-19 fund grants help fill the gaps
As grant requests continue to pour in from the U.S. and around the world, UMCOR has awarded $966,069 in grants in four weeks. Global Ministries has supplemented those funds, bringing the total amount of COVID-19 assistance to $1.3 million.