Humanitarian Relief & Recovery News & Stories

November 2, 2020
UMCOR to Consolidate Relief Supply Network Operations
In order to further maximize good stewardship of resources, it was announced at the Board of Directors meeting of the United Methodist Committee on Relief on October 28 ...

November 1, 2020
“Does anybody outside this region care?” UMCOR does.
In Louisiana, communities hit by both Hurricanes Laura and Delta face a long recovery but are humbled by the outpouring of support from United Methodists across the country.

October 27, 2020
Hope amid stunning devastation
With the help of three grants from UMCOR, the people of Beirut, Lebanon, are attempting to rebuild their lives and livelihoods after the port blast that destroyed much of their city.

October 27, 2020
UMC institutions serve communities with love
Gum Moon Residence, Red Bird Mission and Henderson Settlement – U.S. Mission Institutions - received UMCOR COVID-19 grants to extend their missions to keep people fed, housed and connected during the pandemic.

October 27, 2020
Mental health brings peace of mind in Afghanistan
For more than 40 years, Global Ministries and UMCOR have supported health and development work through a partner agency. One project focuses on children with mental challenges as Afghanistan lacks services and awareness for mental health.

October 21, 2020
Love and relief for Venezuelan migrants
In South America, an UMCOR partnership extends the ministries of Methodists in Peru, Brazil and Colombia who offer welcome to those fleeing Venezuela.

October 19, 2020
UMCOR COVID-19 grants in Brazil reach isolated communities
Seven UMCOR COVID-19 grants from the Sheltering in Love campaign are making a difference through caring Methodist congregations in Brazil. Support in the form of food, rent assistance, masks and protective equipment, and education about the best preventive hygiene are ministries Brazilian Methodists undertake to serve their neighbors.

October 19, 2020
Faithful UMC institutions stretch to serve communities
Among the recipients of the UMCOR Rapid Response COVID-19 grants are some of the United Methodist National Mission Institutions with long histories of service in their communities. Gum Moon Residence, Red Bird Mission and Henderson Settlement extended their missions to keep people fed, housed and connected.

October 19, 2020
Sheltering in Love Grant Recipient: Intown Food Pantry
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to leave vulnerable communities hungry, Intown Collaborative Ministries in Atlanta, GA is using funds from UMCOR to ensure their food pantry is able to safely meet an increased need for food.

October 15, 2020
“Does anybody outside this region care?” asks storm survivor; UMCOR answers the call
In Louisiana, communities hit by both Hurricanes Laura and Delta face a long recovery but are humbled by the outpouring of support from United Methodists across the country.

October 5, 2020
Reconciling relationships with nature
Rev. Tyler Sit, a Global Ministries EarthKeeper, shares how a program that provides nature-based therapy in support of people of color is impacting his community.

October 5, 2020
Burundi UMC celebrates milestones in reconciliation
Two years into its reconciliation process, the Burundi UMC celebrates training for pastors and a reconstructed hospital.