March 3, 2022
Walking with the light: CCWs meet for biennial gathering
Church and Community Worker missionaries met together via zoom for their biennial meeting to celebrate their ministries, honor retirees, welcome new CCWs and reflect on God’s light in their daily work.
February 1, 2022
Global Ministries extends CDP Annual Conference Cohort application deadline
Global Ministries is extending the 2022 Annual Conference Community Developers Program (CDP) cohort application process to March 4 to allow congregations more time to explore possibilities for developing new programs.
January 14, 2022
Human Relations Day grant provides equity for Glenville residents
Cory United Methodist Church in Glenville, Cleveland, Ohio, offers a ministry of financial education, restoring a tradition from the 1950s.
December 1, 2021
World AIDS Day: Eliminate inequality to eliminate HIV and AIDS
In DRC and beyond, United Methodists seek solutions on multiple fronts to decrease the transmission and grip of HIV and AIDS.
March 25, 2021
Holy Week devotions from global missionaries
Enrich your faith practice by reading a devotion on Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday from missionaries serving the church around the world.
March 23, 2021
“With his stripes, we are healed”
A devotion for Good Friday by Jean Claude Masuka Maleka and Francine Ilunga Mpanga Mufuk
December 1, 2020
Commemorate World AIDS Day with Global Health
Express solidarity on World AIDS Day by supporting United Methodist ministries that reach high school students with information about what HIV is and how to prevent AIDS from spreading in their communities.
June 2, 2020
World Refugee Day: Every Action Counts
On World Refugee Day, UMCOR shares this story of a Syrian refugee family in Lebanon who finds hope in the caring presence of an UMCOR partner. This day, every action counts in the effort to create a more just, inclusive and welcoming world for everyone.
June 2, 2020
Partners in health and healing: conferences come together for DRC hospital upgrades
Through their relationship in mission, the North Texas, West Ohio and North Katanga annual conferences celebrate vital upgrades to Lupandilo Hospital in Kamina, DRC.
April 21, 2020
Teaching the power of Christ’s words
As we celebrate the reality of the risen Christ in our lives and churches during the season of Easter, here are a few updates related to how we have served our risen Lord in Estonia.
April 20, 2020
Honor 50th anniversary of Earth Day by joining Creation Care Network
Connect with leaders in creation care to share ideas, resources and support for environmental ministries.
January 23, 2020
Dialoguing in love: Facilitators trained to guide the church through difficult conversations
Cohosted by Global Ministries, the General Commission on Religion and Race, and Candler School of Theology, the November 2019 “Facilitating Mutuality: Dialogue Across Differences” conference equipped participants to facilitate conversations in the midst of the divisive climate of The United Methodist Church.