United Methodist Volunteers in Mission – Western Jurisdiction

Country: Global
Advance #901463 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Coordinating and preparing volunteers for short-term service

Annual Goal: $10,000.00

Year to Date Gifts: $2,725.00

Describe the need affecting community

Various needs of those who are homeless, hungry, or in poverty, including those without clean water or sanitation; medical and dental needs; construction or repair of homes, schools, hospitals, churches especially after a disaster; educational needs of children and youth, vocational skills for adults

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Connecting and empowering short-term volunteers to be servants of Jesus Christ around the world.

Describe the primary goal of the project

GOALS: to empower servants of Jesus Christ as short-term missionaries (volunteers) to meet the needs of the world. OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide team leader training for each Annual Conference. 2. Establish and strengthen connections between UMIVIM Volunteers to various UMIVM sites throughout the world. 3. Engage more young people and those with diverse ethnic backgrounds in serving as short term missionaries. 4. Increase awareness of the UMVIM program throughout the jurisdiction. 5. Develop a connection between the Annual Conferences and UMCOR in the work of disaster preparedness and recovery after the disaster has occurred. 6. Increase the education of the Annual Conference Coordinators and Leadership Teams to help promote UMVIM throughout the jurisdiction. Outcome Measures: 1. Number of volunteers and teams serving in various capacities. 2. Number of Team Leaders Trained 3. Number of Youth and Young Adults serving in mission 4. Number of Persons of Diverse Ethnic Background serving on teams. 5. Number of Missions Volunteers (Individual), Global Justice Volunteers, Nomads, etc. Timeline: Throughout the next quadrennium.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Rhonda Cordill