Material Resources

Country: United States
Advance #901440 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Enhancing the purchase of emergency response and disaster relief supplies for use in the United States.

Describe the need affecting community

UMCOR relief supply kits make a big difference to families facing emergency situations. Each kit is targeted to respond to a specific need. From cleaning buckets to hygiene and menstrual hygiene kits, the contents provide critical supplies.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

UMCOR collects three types of relief supply kits for distribution in the United States to vulnerable people in times of need. These kits alleviate suffering for those who lack access to essential supplies. They make a tangible difference and advance hope and healing at difficult times.

Describe the primary goal of the project

The UMCOR Sager Brown Depot in Baldwin, Louisiana, and affiliate warehouses in Alabama,Illinois, Missouri, Pennsylvania and Texas work to address the needs of those in crisis by providing necessary supplies. Detailed reports prepared each month document the impact of these relief supply kits to beneficiaries.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Amy B. Fuselier