Belize Methodist Church Camp

Country: Belize
Advance #3022262 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing a safe meeting place for the UMVIM teams youth church camp and others in Belize.

Describe the need affecting community

Currently we have no place for UMVIM teams to stay, that is safe and affordable in the Belize City area. We have many schools in that area that are not served by our UMVIM teams because we value the safety of the teams. This camp would offer a safe and affordable location close to Belize City but not inside of the city area. We also currently have no camp or gathering facility where youth camps can come that creates a reasonable environment for our youth summer camps. We hold the camps in schools where there are no screens to protect from them mosquitoes and substandard areas for people to bathe. The youth sleep on the floor in the classrooms. This location where we already have the land is ideal as it is close to Belize City and therefore the airport, yet in a small safe community. It is located in a beautiful setting on the Belize River in a community called Burrell Boom. The Belize Methodist Church already has a presence in that community with a small church there. This would also provide a meeting place for our clergy and adult retreats and meetings as well as become income producing as we could rent out the space to other groups when being unused. Lastly we have worked hard to bring the Emmaus experience to Belize and this facility could be used for that as well!!!

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

It will provide a safe, comfortable location for UMVIM teams to stay, as well as our youth functions. Also will be a central meeting place as it is close to Belize City which is no longer the capital but is the heartbeat of the country of Belize.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To build a facility that can safely and comfortably provide a place to house, feed, provide bathing facilities, as well as some limited recreational/team building activities. Initially we will limit the size but in the future perhaps add more space to make room for larger groups or multiple groups to use the facility.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Two communities would be impacted. The LOCAL Burrell Boom community initially would be the most impacted. As I said we have a presence there at this time with a Methodist church and school very close to this site. We also have a house that is currently empty that we hope to fill with a person who would locally help Lisa Williams to manage the project since she is 2 hours north currently. I believe that the project would positively impact the community and also the local church/school in that area as teams would be interacting with the locals through these local communities.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact