Children’s Ministry Evangelism in Central Congo
Country: Congo, (Democratic Republic)
Advance #3022147

Project Information
Ministering to and with children teaching the Gospel in music, activities, and scripture.
Describe the need affecting community
This program encourages and supports a program of Christian Education in the Wembo Nyama area. That has an abundance of children living near the mission center and in the nearby villages. These children are left unsupervised and with little or nothing to do.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
A consistent program for children provides education but also hope and encouragement for them and their families. The program has already changed the behavior of children in the villages.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To share the Gospel with children in word and song and help them to grow in their faith and lives.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Children and their families would be strengthened in their faith and lives through the positive role models for children and teaching and learning stories of our faith.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Dr. Adolphe Yamba Yamba
Jonathan Baker