Opportunity School, Nappalayam – Educational Support for Mentally Challenged Children

Project Information
Educating and rehabilitating mentally challenged children
Annual Goal: $9,599.14
Year to Date Gifts: $15.00
Describe the need affecting community
The socio-economic status of the mentally challenged children parents are below poverty line. The main occupations of the parents are laborers, working as a driver, maid in a home, and a farmer. The meager income is not sufficient to meet expenses of the family. In this community the special child in a family is consider as a curse or burden to the family. They are not giving importance to the child. Awareness Program: 1. Acceptance of the special child in a family. 2. Counseling is being given to the separated family because of the special child. 3. Through puppet shows and street plays the importance of the special education and vocational training are communicated to the society. 4. Regular Home visit by the special educators. 5. Testimony of the parents. It played a vital role to admit the mentally challenged child in a special school. The parents have come forward to know the teaching techniques followed in the school. Acceptance of the child in a family paved a life to mentally challenged children.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The milestone developments and Intellectual level will differ from each child. As per their level the special education and therapies has been given. The teaching aids should be designed according to the goal of the each child. The financial problem is the major phenomenon among our parents. Hence we request the educational support to the very deserving children. This support will give light to the life of an intellectually challenged. The foremost aim is to make the differently abled less dependent in the society.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The overall goal of the Opportunity school, Nappalayam Educational support to improve the quality of life for intellectually challenged children in socio-economic poor families in Thiruvallur District. 1. To maximize the development, potential and well being of persons with mentally challenged through quality services, and fulfill their aspiration of family and enable them to participate a fully as possible in society.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Parents themselves may refer other children to the Institute. Parents are given information about Madras Developmental Programming System, Behavioral scale and children assessed with the parents and Multi –Disciplinary team after selection. Monthly meetings are arranged with Parents and for stress release, stigma, Negative attitude, Balanced Diet etc. and help them to cope better. Parents are also given awareness and education on intellectual disability and its prevention. Parents are given awareness and education on behavioral problems of children and how to handle them. Parents are encouraged to contribute some amount towards the expenses of the child.
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