John Wesley Community Center

Country: South Africa
Advance #3021238 DONATE NOW

Project Information

Providing education, food, and support for vulnerable children and orphans with AIDS.

Describe the need affecting community

More education and upliftment and more house to house campaigning to get more of the community mobilized. More skilled teached and Home-based care workers to offer a better and more efficient to all our clients be they adult or child. Qualified psychologist to manage play therapy and debrief processes with the carers.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

We aim to become a HUB in the community for people to come to for learning, for NPO’s to come to for guidance through the processes required by NPO’s for achieving government funding. We strive to see vulnerable Children and families lead stable lives and reach their full God given potential as responsible citizens contributing positively to our country. To be a highly respected source of hope in a community deeply affected by poverty, HIV/AIDS and life challenges and families with the resources to give them the best opportunities in all aspects of their lives. To bring about long term positive change for all people who to us in need and thereby to help a more stable and responsible community.

Describe the primary goal of the project

To bring long term positive change for all people who come to us in need and thereby to help build a more stable and responsible community. We strive to provide hope, develop potential, drive transformation and change lives.

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

Less of Poverty Mindset and more of a Get up and Go kind of action. Youth moving away from their current circumstances as they become adults knowing that there is more to the world that what is in the street outside. A more productive working group adding effectively to the community and economy.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact