Church Construction in Senegal
Country: Senegal
Advance #14519N

Project Information
Securing land and building United Methodist churches.
Describe the need affecting community
Senegal is a 90% Muslim country. Muslims believe that a place of prayer should be a separate building, and not in someone’s home. When people gather in someone’s home for worship/prayers, they are at risk and can be attacked and stoned any time while praying. So, local churches owning lands where places of worship will be built, is a great achievement and solution to attacks the church has been exposed to.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The project has been assisting local churches to purchase, lands or construction materials. After the local church raised money for that purpose. The project encourages local churches to locally raise at least half of the amount budgeted for either the land purchase or construction work.
Describe the primary goal of the project
To secure land and build United Methodist local churches and the mission office.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
Every congregation to meet and worship in a built church. To have a church owned building which serves as the mission headquarter office in the city of Dakar. To stop renting worship spaces.
Contact Information
Global Ministries Contact
Makobo Nshikala