Tree of Life Ministry

Project Information
Serving the American Indian community
Annual Goal: $50,000.00
Year to Date Gifts: $22,595.14
Describe the need affecting community
Diabetes is the cancer of Indian County the poor quality of food, diet, and the sedentary life of this generation is killing us. As an indicator 32% of second grade children have type two diabetes. The Rosebud Reservation is economically depressed and ranks second (after the Pine Ridge Reservation) in per capita income. Unemployment sometimes reaches over 83%, and the lack of job opportunities leaves a devastating mark on the families. Indian Country Today has reported that one out of three residents of the Rosebud Reservation was homeless and that six out of ten live in substandard housing. Overcrowding is common as most families will not turn away even extended family members in need of a place to stay. Sadly, 54% drop out rare, 70% drug or alcohol addictions with 2.3 receiving treatment for drug or alcohol addictions; gangs and other social ills impact some of the youth struggling to come to terms living in an environment with an uncertain future as a result the tribe is losing the culture, language, and noble pride.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Our Soup kitchen provides healthy well-rounded meals for free, we are planting and developing a garden and orchard to provide fresh locally grown food in a Farmers Market setting and educating tribal members how to do the same. To cultivate a new and healthier generation of growers, to harvest, dry, can and prepare food with less sugar on a budget is our vision. To run a household on so little is a challenge. The Thrift Store provides the ability to do just that, while preserving pride and dignity. Families can furnish, beautify, and maintain homes through our ministry. The inventory distributed is new or gentile used, providing a level of quality, comfort and style. Especially for our children who just want to fit in and belong this is important. We help students with personal hygiene, cloths, shoes, and school supplies. With dignity and respect we provide to our homeless for free underclothing, clothing, shoes, jackets or winter, summer wear as often as needed year round. With the homeless and substandard housing the construction ministry is vital to health, wellness and mobility. We make every effort to collaborate with agencies, tribal programs, and non-profits to leverage materials, dollars and labor. We have taken the time to develop our construction projects as a training site for men and women that want to learn skills for self-home repair, or employment placement. Our vision is to build a tiny houses campus for young single mothers still in school to help out with our drop out rate. VIM Destination ministry is making a difference, project by project. In return we impart knowledge, understanding, and connection to the Lakota Nation.
Describe the primary goal of the project
1) Increase Soup Kitchen quality and quantity of food Long-term effect will be a greater over all health and wellness because of diet 2) Increase direct service Thrift Store Ministry Long-term effect will be and increase of revenue, a faster turn over of inventory, and more individuals served 3) Increase VIM visits Long-term effect will be relationship building toward reconciliation, increase depth and breath of out stakeholder’s knowledge, which will increase the number of people praying, caring and supporting us.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
We would like to see a much physically healthier community, with an increase of family gardens grown. A community that has mom and dad confident that they can provide for their family by buying at a drastically reduce price. Where clothing needs, household needs, and furnishings do not become a stressor or a topic of contention. We want to see and provide beauty in a not so beautiful word for our children and our families. God is not a respecter of man so nor are we. We would like to see more men and woman of God visit us so they can experience the magnificence culture of the Sicangu Lakota Nation. To proficiency be a part of and see the redeeming power of God to a nation.