Wholistic Development of Women

Country: Bolivia
Advance #07779A DONATE NOW

Project Information

Improving the quality of life for women through leadership development and life skills building

Annual Goal: $7,500.00

Year to Date Gifts: $1,056.25

Describe the need affecting community

A large percentage of the population in Bolivia is mired in poverty, so this falls hardest on women in rural and peri-urban areas of the cities. Women are marginalized from access to basic education, technical, and in many cases advance education. They only engage in domestic activities, parenting and agricultural work. For every ten illiterate people, seven are women. Pregnancy rates at younger age have increased in recent years. The country’s economy, leads women to migrate from rural areas to urban areas, increasing poverty belts. – 90% of the women participating in our workshops come from rural areas or are migrants located in peri-urban areas of cities. They are separated from their home and family without access to training or even basic education, and much less to technical training. These women’s times are filled with domestic work and trying to earn enough to eat each day. This limits greatly the time available to access training, or education and often leads to the abandonment of their children.

How will this Advance project help to address the need?

Through training workshops and with the Tabitha Center.

Describe the primary goal of the project

Our goal is to extend the ministry and the word of our Lord Jesus Christ in those places where it is needed, seeking equality of opportunity between sisters/brothers. We seek to change the attitude among members of the community, with regard to respect for women, which is strengthening the family. We want to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, education, training, and safe places for discussion on the issues that affect women, especially improving the self-esteem of women. We hope, with your support, to provide training for young women in the areas of premarital counseling and marriage, thus ensuring solid Christian families. Our work will help the family, congregation, church and community through providing opportunities for and strengthening women

Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project

We would like to have more women in the leadership of the IEMB and in their communites and more selfsufficient women with christian values and women able to help financially support for their families.

Contact Information

Global Ministries Contact
Wilson Saucedo