Rural Health and Community Development Project of Clara Swain Hospital

Project Information
Providing medical care, purchasing equipment, making renovations and subsidizing salaries
Describe the need affecting community
Since RHCD CSH no longer has any support from the Clara Swain Hospital in Bareilly as it had in the past, it is now completely on its own. We must now renovate our buildings to accommodate a team of full-time doctors, nurses, lab technicians and pharmacist. We have a good, basic facility for a small township and village area. However, the facility needs upgrading. We are confident that this unit of work will move forward and be a blessing for the some twenty villages where we have worked. This will take time, money and faith in our Lord. The health condition of the people of Faridpur is very poor. They have very little awareness and they keep taking medicines from unqualified doctors till their symptoms become intolerable. When they do seek medical attention, they get exploited in the private hospitals in Bareilly, which run on a commission system consisting of village doctors and other doctors in Faridpur area. And so people have become generally wary and suspicious of every clinical establishment. Apart from the bare-bone health infrastructure, lack of proper sanitation also causes a number of water borne diseases and infections. There is a huge gap in drinking, safe and potable water services provided here. A majority of the people here face shortage of money as they are unskilled or uneducated.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Our project will help to address the needs of the people in the following ways: 1) Raising funds for free medicines. 2) We will train, mentor and supervise the girl volunteers who will become carriers of our message of health, hygiene, education, etc. 3) Skill Development Center will help create livelihood for the people.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The primary goal of RHCD CSH is to create a robust, sustainable and long-lasting healthcare and community development environment to enable mental, social and spiritual development through love, care and consideration in Lord’s name. We hope to achieve this through the following long term impacts :- 1. To adopt four villages nearby and start weekly clinics,health educations sessions and house visits to identify people in need and help to address their problems. 2. To provide quality healthcare at the lowest cost possible. 3. To work towards becoming self-sufficient(in terms of finance and logistically) in every way. 4. To conduct free medical check-ups among school children to identify malnutrition and other conditions requiring treatment and to advise accordingly. 5. To create a skill development center (sewing, pickle making and beauty parlor) which will serve a income generation project for the nearby youth and unemployed population.
Describe the change you would like to see in the community as a result of this Advance project
We wish to see the below qualitative and quantitative change in the communities as a result of the project with reference to their needs and concerns: 1) Attitude and behavioral change and awareness. 2) Empowerment and positive change of the disadvantaged and weak sections of the society e.g. women, abused, handicapped and so on. 3) Increase in the number of patients in OPD and Village Camps. 4) Improvement in the income of the people who will be attached to us in the skill development center. 5) We wish to see a sustainable improvement in our financial health as result of efficiency in our project.