Cambodia Mission Initiative

Project Information
Supporting new churches, pastors’ salaries, leadership development, and outreach ministries.
NOTE: You’ll be able to designate your gift:
Describe the need affecting community
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
The purpose of this project is to support new churches, pastors’ salary, and the administration of the UMC mission in Cambodia.
Describe the primary goal of the project
The discipleship of Cambodians in our churches and villages and the transformation of the Cambodian society. A well-trained clergy and lay in our churches and villages. Discipleship in the present day and into the future. The development of facilities for present and future use: multi-purpose chapels/sanctuaries, parsonages, dormitories, retreat centers, etc. The Deacons and Elders’ Retreat and Training happens once a year when funds are available–usually in May or June. The Cabinet and Executive Committee Retreat and Training takes place in January or February. The Certificate in Church Ministry, a training program for lay people, takes place in each district as funds are available and when available.