Mongolia Mission Initiative

Project Information
Supporting evangelism, plant new churches, leadership & congregational development, education & healthcare initiatives
Describe the need affecting community
Mongolia has 3 million population and 1% Christianity. So there’s great need for evangelism, new church planting, training of new national church leaders and strengthening existing churches. Since half of the population lives in the capital city of Ulaanbaatar, MMI focuses ministries within the UB. However, MMI also reaches out in the countryside. Currently, there are 10 Mongolian UMC in UB and 2 MUMC in the countryside. Mongolia is a developing country with great gap between some rich and majority poor. Due to poor living conditions of majority Mongolians, there’s great need for health, education and basic necessity support.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Until 2002, United Methodists never had a presence in Mongolia. UMC Mission in Mongolia began with Hospice program. All of our mission projects under Global Ministries umbrella are in the ger districts, which have low-income residents, no running water, a high incidence of joblessness and alcoholism, and reduced access to health care. They have many social needs, which were not adequately met. Mongolia Mission Initiative’s focus ministries include evangelism, church planting, church leaders and congregational development, education, healthcare and community services.
Describe the primary goal of the project
1) Plant New Churches: More church planting means more opportunity for people to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Currently, there are 12 Mongolian UMC. 2) Training and Developing National Church Leadership: Providing seminars, retreats and monthly meetings (twice a month) and providing scholarship to prospective students for seminary studies. 3) Christian Education & Curriculum Development: Training of local church teachers through and providing Sunday School curriculum materials, gospel tracks, music training to strengthen churches. 4) Encourage Self-Sufficiency: Ministries and maintenance of church facility is funded through individual church offerings. 5) Community Education: Offer morning and afternoon assistant classes to supplement children and youth’s public school education. We also provide full time (Mondays – Friday, 9 am to 5 pm) kindergarten learning center with licensed teacher and trained volunteers for poor families. 6) To support the elderly population by organizing a time of fellowship on a weekly basis. Provide this fellowship opportunity at each of the churches, starting with the two mission centers. 7) To establish a regular schedule of visitation to the local detention center offering the Good News as well as counseling.