Malawi Provisional Annual Conference

Project Information
Supporting provisional annual conference expenses associated with more than 100 churches and 25 pastors
Describe the need affecting community
The United Methodist Churches across Malawi are growing and strive to serve the holistic needs of the communities where they serve. Pastors and their families struggle to survive, but are working diligently with their lay leaders to thrive. Daily subsistence is not to be taken for granted as pastors work very hard to provide for their families as well as assist and support their congregations and communities. Methodist Churches across Malawi are growing and strive to serve the holistic needs of the communities where they serve. Pastors and their families struggle to survive, but are working diligently with their lay leaders to thrive. Daily subsistence is not to be taken for granted as pastors work very hard to provide for their families as well as assist and support their congregations and communities.
How will this Advance project help to address the need?
Broad provisional annual conference advance for oversight, training and leadership of the over 100 churches of the United Methodist Church in Malawi, as well as over 25 pastors and lay leaders across the country. As the provisional annual conference moves toward sustainability as an annual conference, all support is focused on the long term and is greatly appreciated by the people called Methodists across Malawi.
Describe the primary goal of the project
1.) To increase efficiency and use of modern technology through the conference. 2.) To implement capacity building and empowerment through Conference and Circuit leadership. 3.) Establish financial infrastructure through accountability, transparency and audit training.